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Become a super smooth operator

Become a super smooth operator

The best thing you can do for your business is to transform yourself into a smooth operator. But hang on a minute – what exactly is a smooth operator? It’s someone who is always on top of things, organized to a tee, and has their business running like fingers through a freshly cut ‘do.

If you’re a smooth operator you know how to juggle competing priorities like a pro, without causing a hitch in how your business operates. If you feel like your business needs a primp and polish to help you get to smooth operation station, keep on reading.

Be flawless

The first step is to provide your guests with a flawless experience from the moment they walk through your door. Smooth out any bumps at your front desk with a seamless arrivals process or (if you take walk-ins) let guests add themselves to your waitlist on a tablet or kiosk soon as they arrive.

Go digital

Getting rid of paper and going digital isn’t just great for the environment – it’s also a great way to stay organized and ensure you’ll never have to rifle through loose files again. Besides, paperwork (and papercuts) are a pain!

Our new favorite way to save paper is Shortcuts’ email receipts feature, which lets you send a digital receipt directly to your clients without having to print anything. You can also ask guests to fill out their details and sign waivers on a tablet – saving you the hassle of having to enter their information into your system manually and cutting back paper waste at the same time.

Know what your customers are thinking

Keeping on top of your Ratings and Reviews is essential to show your clients you care, even after they’ve stepped out of your salon. You can capture any issues as they arise and use positive feedback to promote your business.

We’ve just revamped our Ratings and Reviews emails so they look like they’ve been sent directly from your business. These new emails not only look nice and fresh for your clients, they’ll help ensure you capture the feedback you need to improve your business!

Streamline your inventory

The next step is to streamline the way you manage your inventory. Our Inventory Management feature helps you keep on top of your inventory levels, and will even alert you when they start to dip below a certain level. You can then send an email order straight from your Shortcuts system to your supplier.

Remove and refocus

Last but not least, try and make the time to remove yourself from the chaos of your salon, spa, clinic or barbershop. Sometimes, working from home and focusing on the essentials is the best way to keep on top of everything without having your attention pulled every which way. Sit down with a nice, hot cup of coffee, focus your attention, and relax knowing you’re set up to become a smooth operator.