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Step aside YouTube – IGTV is here!Blog

Step aside YouTube – IGTV is here!

Instagram’s new arrival is IGTV – an app that allows you to upload and watch long-form videos. These videos can be posted by anyone, from businesses, to your bestie, influencers, celebs, or any average Joe. And your salon, spa or barber business can totally leverage its power.
Caitlin Adamson
June 25, 2019
Retail Trends in the IndustryBlog

Retail Trends in the Industry

Retail sales have challenges affecting your salon both internally & externally. View the scenarios below and consider implementing some of these tips & tricks or create your own to combat your challenges with retail sales.
June 23, 2019
Boosting retail sales at the front deskBlog

Boosting retail sales at the front desk

Want to sell more retail? Cultivating a sales-focused front desk team is a great place to start. Your front desk is one of the most important parts of your business, so what are the most effective ways to turn your front desk into a powerful retail sales force?
June 9, 2019
Six ways to create content that convertsBlog

Six ways to create content that converts

Does your content woo your would-be clients? Are you hanging out where they’ll find you? Do you say the right things to stay top of mind and tip of tongue? Here are six ways to ensure the content you’re creating converts to engaged clients.
June 8, 2019

Is this must-have in your life?

This nifty feature is nothing new to Shortcuts, but it is one punchy little sucker for your business. There are so many pros to it that we’re just busting to tell you! Care to take a guess at what it is? Read on to find out.
Caitlin Adamson
June 8, 2019
Five must-read tips to reduce no-showsBlog

Five must-read tips to reduce no-shows

It’s your worst nightmare: a no-show. Shudder. They cost money, waste precious time, and means that other clients miss out on their preferred appointment slot for nothing. Wouldn’t it be super if you could eliminate flaky clients forever?
Caitlin Adamson
June 7, 2019
How to become a marketing mavenBlog

How to become a marketing maven

We have a little secret for you: marketing is about more than just playing around on Facebook. Don’t get us wrong, marketing is fun and it can also be simple once you’re in the know. If words like SEO send your head spinning, then sit down and let’s work through this together.
Caitlin Adamson
June 5, 2019
ISBN 2016 RecapBlog

ISBN 2016 Recap

The holidays are coming. First comes Halloween, then Hanukkah, Christmas and, before you know it, we will all be counting down as the ball drops into the New Year. But let’s talk about everyone’s favorite day mixed in amongst the festive season: Black Friday.
June 4, 2019
Is this must-have in your life?Blog

Is this must-have in your life?

This nifty feature is nothing new to Shortcuts, but it is one punchy little sucker for your business. There are so many pros to it that we’re just busting to tell you! Care to take a guess at what it is? Read on to find out.
Caitlin Adamson
May 31, 2019
Stay safe onlineBlog

Stay safe online

From viruses to internet scams, exploring the world wide web can seem like risky business! The good news is, it doesn't have to be. There are some simple steps you can take to ensure you and your business are protected.
Fleur Murphy
May 20, 2019
What’s your mobile marketing recipe?Blog

What’s your mobile marketing recipe?

Today’s clients have an appetite for all things mobile – and they want to do business with you on their terms. One of the smartest ways to attract new clients and keep your existing ones coming back for more is by serving them up all the modern conveniences they crave. Great service is about more than just a fantastic consultation;…
Fleur Murphy
May 13, 2019
Why marketing is a balancing actBlog

Why marketing is a balancing act

In today’s world, we are constantly distracted by hundreds of different messages. Whether it’s checking work emails or scrolling through your Facebook news feed, every spare moment is filled with stimulation. As a result, our attention spans becoming shorter, and we are becoming harder to connect with.
May 10, 2019
Surviving a bad online reviewBlog

Surviving a bad online review

It’s that sinking feeling every salon owner can relate to – you’ve spotted a negative review about your business online. You could have the toughest skin in the business – but it still doesn’t change the fact that getting caught off-guard this way hurts!
Fleur Murphy
May 9, 2019
Point of Sale secretsBlog

Point of Sale secrets

If you think that your Shortcuts Point of Sale system is just for transactions, you can think again. Read on to learn some Point of Sale tips and tricks you might not already know about that are guaranteed to make your life easier!
May 9, 2019
How to market your gift cardsBlog

How to market your gift cards

Gift cards can be a big part of your business, but they can be hard to sell at first. So today we're giving you some pointers on how to get more gift cards sold at your business!
May 8, 2019