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Most salons, spas and barbershops are getting ready to re-open or have already re-opened and we want to be sure you have all the resources you need! There is so much uncertainty in this post-COVID world and we are hoping to help you along in the process!

1. Stay up to date on your local government rules and regulations

We know that the safety of your stylists and clients is your number one priority. Stay in the loop about what your local government requirements are for salons, spas and barbershops. COVID-19 has made things unpredictable and confusing but staying up to date can help you tremendously!

2. Assume that walk-ins and waiting rooms will not be within COVID-19 guidelines

Let’s face it – no one knows how quickly things can change or what the future holds. So for now, we need to assume that walk-ins and waiting rooms will not be allowed. You should continue to update your clients on appointment availability and what they should expect when they come in to the salon. No one like surprises – keep your clients up to date through emails, text messages or any avenue you choose. Make sure your client knows what to expect!

3. Understand that your stylists will have to make up for lost time

It has been close to 3 months since anyone has seen their stylist! You know what that means – grey roots and bad split ends. Everyone knows that salons are blocking out time to sanitize their work stations, but you should also take into consideration the time it will take to “fix” a head of hair that hasn’t been touched in 3 months! During the booking process – the client should be clear about the services they want so your salon can set aside the appropriate amount of time for the service + sanitizing process.

4. Face masks for both stylist and client should be required – until further notice

We totally get that face masks BUG and honestly, it can be hard to breathe, RIGHT?! But, they will protect both your stylist and your client. Taking every precaution you can during this time is crucial!

5. Your salon settings may get nontraditional

You may already have a system in place for when your clients arrive for their appointments and it’s most likely not a traditional process! Since waiting areas are not recommended, clients may have to wait in their cars or outside. Some salons are setting up a canopy outside the salon for people to wait – 6 feet apart of course. Be prepared for some unconventional processes during this uncertain time.

Although this is an unknown and confusing time, we can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. We are all in this together!

If you have any question or for more information, contact us today!